my story

"I put my heart and my soul into my work, and I have lost my mind in the process."
- Vincent van Gogh -

What greater motivation and satisfaction can I have than to inspire others to enjoy and appreciate my artwork in their homes.

My name is Rozeta Hallenbarter, I am Swiss, and I have been living with my husband in Dubai since 2018. 

I discovered my passion for painting years ago. To be able to give the needed room for my creativity and passion, I had to let go of the fear of failing, my perfectionism, justifying my decision to paint, society’s judgements & expectations, and finally giving up my corporate career. After parking all those thoughts, doubts, and triggers, I could finally focus on my passion, embrace my talent, and start my new journey. I am deeply thankful and appreciate each and every moment that I spend creating more of my modern abstract works, in which I mainly focus on expressing intuitively the sense of flow and purity of colour. 

Since 2019, I’ve been actively cultivating my creative talents as a member of the International Art Centre Dubai, where I collaborate with exceptional art professionals. In addition to my membership there, I also serve as the Vice President of the International Action Art Organisation. Furthermore, I hold a Master’s Degree in Art & Culture Management, where my focus is on enhancing my leadership skills for overseeing and directing cultural and creative enterprises, events, or institutions. I’m particularly attuned to the incorporation of emerging technologies and staying in sync with evolving trends and patterns within the art and culture sphere as part of my mission.

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